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K2432-1: Niederländisches Retreat: BE A GIFT FOR THIS WORLD

05.08.2024 - 10.08.2024

A Mindfulness Retreat for all ages

In this retreat, together we generate a very strong and healing energy of peace and compassion.
This energy is a great gift for us and for the entire world.

The suffering in the world, with its numerous wars, natural disasters, and climate crises, is evident.
Together, we can look deeply into our own and collective suffering to better understand its deeper causes.
This understanding is essential for effective action based on inner peace and boundless love.

This retreat offers programs for children, teenagers, and adults alike.
The gift to the world is our individual and collective mindfulness practice, which we cultivate throughout the day in all activities.

Language in the Children's program (6 - 12 years): Dutch
Language in the teen's program (13 - 17 years): English
Language in the program for adults: Dutch / English

Before booking the course, please kindly read thoroughly the registration procedures, policies and prices at the following link:
Registration Details

Mönche und Nonnen des EIAB

Nonnen und Mönche der EIAB Sangha...


Thay Phap An

<b>Thay Phap An</b>

Bhikshu Thích Chân Pháp Ấn ist einer der fortgeschrittenen Nachfolger des Zen-Meisters Thích Nhất Hạnh.

Er erhielt 1985 einen Bachelor of Science (BS) in Chemieingenieurswesen der University of Texas in Austin. Am California Institute of Technology (Caltech) erlangte er 1988 einen Master of Science (MS) in Chemieingenieurswesen und 1990 einen Ph.D. in Angewandter Mathematik....
